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Going Green: Brigadoon Fitness and Green Series Cardio Equipment - Lastest News - R. Bruce Dye
By Administrator on Wednesday, 01 November 2017
Category: Uncategorized

Going Green: Brigadoon Fitness and Green Series Cardio Equipment

A company in Fort Wayne is an industry leader in commercial fitness equipment, and has a Green Series line that's popular in hotels and fitness centers.

Before you jump on a treadmill, you might not think about the environmental impact. But Brigadoon Fitness has worked to create a line of cardio equipment that helps protect the environment.

"So we launched the green fitness series products approximately four years ago." Kevin Feldman says at a lot of engineering has gone into these products. "We tried to make sure that the equipment was designed to specifically reduce the carbon footprint. So we've taken a lot of effort into using recyclable components on the front end as well as the back end."

The treadmill is the most energy efficient, motorized commercial treadmill in the industry.

The premium motor and inverter are just two of the components that make these machines "green."

"Where they are drawing less energy. And when you turn on the fan, the fan also incorporates cooling the electronics," Dale Hanson said. "And blowing that in one direction and cooling the user. So we've really worked really really hard in the efficiency of the design, to make it more green."

The company wants to work with consumers to continue to improve the environment.

"Well you know, it's just being a good corporate citizen at the end of the day. If we all do our part, no matter what that part is, small or large, I think that just helps the community as a whole, and I think we owe it to our community to make sure the planet is safer for generations that follow."

Brigadoon Fitness has a lab where they are working on even more innovative ideas for cardio equipment in the future.

Original story posted here: Tuesday, October 31st 2017, 11:21 am EDT by Brooke Welch http://www.wfft.com/story/36722259/going-green-brigadoon-fitness-and-green-series-cardio-equipment